Sonia not only took the time to call me to discuss what an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle would look like, she invited me to join a WhatsApp group chat as well with others on the same journey. Sonia is hands down one of the most encouraging and gracious supports I know. She loves her emojis and she genuinely celebrates your successes as if they were her own! Sonia made me believe that I could make this lifestyle change, and has been with me every single day on this journey. Since October I have lost almost 20lbs, but the most exciting part is that even though I have more to lose, this is the first time where I know this is actually going to happen for me. Sonia made me realize that slow and steady daily changes are going to make the biggest impact. This isn’t about the quick fix, but a slow and steady investment in yourself and your future. On the days when it feels like nothing is happening – Sonia is there. In the moments I slip up and struggle – Sonia is still there. In the moments when I hit milestones and see the joy – Sonia is there too! Thank you Sonia for helping me start and encouraging me every step of the way,
Sonia's strengths are her passion and joy. Sonia genuinely cares about you and wants to help you succeed.